Sarah Avery, MA, LMFT

Individual, Couples, and Family Therapy


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Do you feel stuck or overwhelmed? Does it feel like things may never change?

Are you caught in old patterns, feeling hopeless about how to manage or change them?

Does ongoing conflict in your family or relationship(s) keep you from feeling calm or happy?

Do you think you don’t want, need, or like therapy… (but secretly think you might want, need, or like therapy)?

I get it. These are all normal and understandable feelings.  When we hit rough spots in our lives or in our relationships, it can be so painful.  It can seem like we are the only ones who feel this way and that we are struggling alone.  When we hurt like this, our normal resources and support might not be enough to soothe us or help us with the answers we are desperate to find.  We might feel too confused, overwhelmed or hurt to see a way through.   Sometimes we might not even be able to identify exactly what the problem is, but we know something is keeping us from the fullness we want to experience.

Talking with me about whatever is challenging you can provide some relief for the pain, pressure or confusion you are feeling.  Therapy will give you a safe, accepting and understanding environment to look at and understand what is happening.  As your therapist, I will help you feel accepted and less alone.   We can explore and find a way through the hopelessness, uncertainty or defeat you might be feeling.  Together, we will discover ways to help you cope and give you tools to find the relief you deserve.  You CAN find healing, move forward and thrive. 

I am an experienced, licensed therapist, skilled in individual, couples and family counseling.   I believe in the power and value of having a safe container to look at whatever you may be feeling or experiencing.  Sometimes just having the space to talk something out can provide perspective and healing. 

Call now for a free, 30 minute phone consultation.


Sarah Avery, MA, LMFT    *     Marriage and Family Therapist • 805-722-5367• CO MFT #1062 • CA MFT #52547